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Dating Coaching

Dating in this day and age is a challenging game!

Are you finding yourself frustrated with the dating experience?
Do you keep meeting or dating people who are not a good fit?
Are you dating people who do not want to commit?
Is the first date a very overwhelming experience and you don't know what to do?
Are you looking for a serious relationship but can't find the right one?
Are you burned out and ready to give up on dating?

The key to success in dating is to have a strategy!

Dating nowadays, especially online dating, is overwhelming because we have too much choice—many different apps and many different matches. It is simply too much.
It's like going to the store to buy jam and seeing rows upon rows of shelves filled with countless varieties. Our minds can't handle this much choice, and we tend to leave empty-handed. This is a psychological phenomenon known as choice fatigue. Moreover, despite having a vast quantity of choices, we might struggle with their quality.
And what 'quality' means to you is subjective! If I were to ask you what a 'quality' partner is for you, you might present me with a list of attributes such as funny, kind, generous, and so on.
Great list, I say. Yet scientific research shows that when it comes to choosing whom we date, we don't go by our list but by our attraction! Yes, you know those neurons sparkling in your brain when you are looking at someone—they are making the decision for you. And bye-bye goes your list. You end up dating someone who is not a long-term fit, doesn't want to commit, makes you feel neglected, or someone who love-bombs you only to discard you later.
It's time to move into a CONSCIOUS COUPLING EXPERIENCE. This is an experience where you bring your full self-awareness, emotional regulation, and evolutionary science to your dating.
In this experience, you choose a partner based not on attraction alone but also on what aligns with your priority needs. In order to do that, you need to know deeply, on a core level, what these needs are so you do not compromise on them.
For example, if I have a need for safety and stability and I own it, it is important for me to choose a partner who shows up consistently and makes plans with me regularly.
Knowing your needs and expressing them is NOT NEEDY! It is an ultimately empowering way to express your boundaries and invite the other person to meet you there.

Equipped with self-awareness, full ownership of your needs, and evolutionary science tools, you will have a successful strategy to master the dating game and achieve the CONSCIOUS COUPLING EXPERIENCE for yourself!

I would like to share with you the insights I’ve discovered, so you can:

Understand your fundamental needs in a relationship and apply this as a core for selecting your partner.
Skillfully express your needs and set boundaries early on to prevent dating burnout.
Become strategic and selective in identifying quality potential dating partners before you even spend time meeting them.
Say goodbye to your blocking beliefs such as “I am not good enough,” and “I don’t deserve him/her.
Reach your emotional maturity potential to attract the emotionally mature partner you want in your life.
Don’t wait to start living the life you envision.
Connect with me today to begin these transformative changes in your life!

Give yourself the gift of a fulfilling relationship!

``Online dating is just as murky and full of lemons as finding a used car in the classifieds. Once you learn the lingo, it’s easier to spot the models with high mileage and no warranty.``

by Laurie Perry